ID 1790856


Морозильная камера Нижняя
Цвет Нержавеющая сталь
Класс электроэнергии A++
Годовое энергопотребление, кВтч 253
Объем холодильника, Л 261
Объем морозильной камеры, Л 111
Климатический класс N-T
No Frost Нет
Мощность замораживания, кг/24ч 5
Сохранение температуры при откл. электроэнергии, ч 24
Ширина, см 59.5
Глубина, см 65.5
Уровень шума, дБ 39
Вес, кг 70
Высота, см 201
EAN 8003437903410
Technology that quickly restores the ideal temperature. 6TH SENSE technology constantly detects temperature variations due to external causes (i.e. door opening) and quickly restores the ideal temperature for an optimal food preservation both in the fridge and in the freezer. Avoiding food burns on the food stored in the freezer.
Fast cooling. The temperature inside your refrigerator drops immediately, when new food is stored. Built-in sensors automatically adjust cooling temperature, ensuring low energy consumption and prolonged freshness.
Fresh Box+ Fruit & veggies stay fresh up to 15 days*. A drawer with a humidity control slider integrated allowing you to keep your fruit and vegetables fresh up to 15 days*. *Based on weight loss and visual quality, considering common fruits and vegetables. Internal test procedure.
STOP FROST 1-minute defrosting 1 time a month. Forget ice buildup in the top of your food and in the lateral sides of the freezer, with the StopFrost system. To defrost, simply remove the ice-collector on the top part of the freezer and rinse it under the tap for 1 minute, once a month.
EnergySaving Ultra rapid temperature recovery. The innovative EnergySaving technology provides ultra rapid temperature recovery ensuring low energy consumption and prolonged freshness.