ID 3346827

Pieejams 3 gab.

With German design and engineering Capgo is specialized in high quality shift and brake cable systems for bicycles. Small parts make big difference!

Product technical specifications

  • Capgo Blue Line (BL)
  • Best shift performance with low friction
  • PTFE greased housing
  • Slick Inner Cable Stainless Steel
  • Sealed End Caps
  • Tube Seal for Derailleur
  • Content:

  • 1 x capgo BL 3300mm Shift Cable Housing 4mm
  • 2 x capgo BL 2200mm Shift Inner Cable 1.1mm slick stainless steel Shimano
  • 8 x capgo BL Sealed End Cap for 4mm Shift Housing Black Plastic
  • 1 x capgo BL Nose End Cap for 4mm Shift Housing Black Plastic
  • 1 x capgo OL Sealed End Cap for 4mm Shift Housing Black Alloy
  • 1 x capgo OL Tube Seal for 4mm Nose End Cap Black
  • 2 x capgo OL Cable Tips for 1.00-1.80mm Wires Black Alloy