ID 1697471

Доступно 4 шт.

Weather Forecast Icon (Sunny, Partly Cloudy, Cloudy, Rainy, Snowy)
Indoor Temperature and Humidity Reading
Outdoor Temperature Reading
Barometric Trend Indicator
Max / Min Memory Records (24 h)
Indoor Temperature Range: -10°C to +50°C
Outdoor Temperature Range: - 20°C to +50°C
Outdoor Temperature Alert Function
Indoor Humidity Range: 20% to 99% RH
Temperature Display with °C / °F Selectable
3 Level Display Brightness: Hi / Lo / Off
Digital Time, Date and Weekday
Weekday in 10 languages : EN, DE, FR, ES, IT, NL, DA, RU, CZ, NO
Alarm and Snooze Function
Projection of Weather Forecast with Time or Temperature
Projection Content Rotation Function
Radio Controlled Clock by Signal DCF77 (Manual Setting Possible)
12 / 24 Hours Selectable Format
Color LCD Display
Desktop Placement
Low Battery Indicator for Wireless Sensor
1 Sensor Included
Transmission Between Main Unit and Sensor up to 70 m (in Open Area)
Sensor Transmission Frequency: 433 MHz
Battery Power of Main Unit : 2 x 1.5 V Type AA (Batteries Not Included)
Power Adaptor of Main Unit: DC 4.5 V / 150 mA, Consumption: 0.68 W
Power of Sensor: 2 x 1.5 V Type AAA (Batteries Not Included)
Dimensions of Main Unit: (w / h / d) 141 x 92 x 51 mm
Weight of Main Unit: 173 g